The club was founded in 1962 by the wife of the US Consul General, Mrs. Tomlinson, and is going from strength to strength. It is an American INTERNATIONAL club and the following nationalities are represented in the membership (in alphabetical order): American, Australian, Belgian, Bosnian, British, Canadian, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Luxembourgian, Macedonian, Moroccan, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Swiss, Ukrainian and Venezuelan.
In 1979, under the leadership of the then President Donna Sebti, the club joined the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas (FAWCO) which today has a membership of over 18,000 women from 35 countries around the world. In 1986, the FAWCO interim meeting was held in Casablanca, the first time a FAWCO meeting was held outside Europe.
As you will see from our mission statement, we aim to help local people in need, as well as providing a friendly structure where English-speaking women can meet and a helping hand for newcomers. We have many ongoing projects, including the FAWCO Millennium Forest, Grannies’ Corner (helping orphans) and we support a number of Moroccan charities. The local business communities are very active in sponsoring our causes and we hold regular fund-raising events, the biggest of which are our Winter Fair and Spring Fair.